The most optimized energy-saving control technologywith the most advantageous cost performance surely leadsthe future development of the elevator industry withintegration trend of the elevators. TRUMPF Freight Elevatorseries considerately develops the best structural designand energy-saving technology configuration for you.System is widely applicable for vast logistics areas such asthe port, industrial zone, shopping center, supermarket etc.TRUMPF is your first-choice brand which accords with allyour needs.
When "green products" dominate the markets, as adistinguished figure in environment protection field,TRUMPF Elevator is determined to show majestic demeanorin more and more fields. Its energy-saving idea and tech leadthe markets.It satisfies the clients' safer, more green;humane and intellectual requirements with more high & newtech in the elevator industry in an omni-bearing way.
It automatically starts the car lighting and fan at calling.
If there is no calling within certain period of time, itautomatically shuts off the car lighting and
The lamp is not calorific. It converts over 90% of electric energy to optical energy.
Long service life, little power consumption.
It reduces 20%~35% of power consumption to the elevator.
The chip packaging and processing do not add heavy metal. Itdoes not contain any harmful
It can be restored and reused after being discarded.